Be My Witnesses

This our 60th year begins with an emphasis on St Dominic’s as an inclusive community and we are using the scriptural reference, “Be my witnesses” to guide us in 2019.


While planning our 60th anniversary we are also planning to develop our immersion program, both within Australia and overseas. We will also develop an integrated Identity plan to connect all the activities we do in our community:

  1. Student Formation
  2. Staff Formation
  3. Year Celebrations
  4. Masses and Liturgies
  5. Church Seasons
  6. Retreats
  7. Reflection Days
  8. Social Justice Outreach Program
  9. Justice and Peace Campaigns
  10. Charities and appeals


Of course, this will not take away from what have done previously but build upon it.

We look forward to bringing you regular updates as the year progresses.

 Mr Z Culican

Director of Identity