Referencing and Research Tools
The Online Referencing Generator is a fantastic tool developed by the School Library Association of South Australia. This tool will help you to correctly format and organise your reference list and provide examples of correct in-text referencing for each source.
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Research Tools
Do you need help getting started with your research?

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How to write a TEEEC Paragraph

How to structure paragraphs using the PEEL method
P = Point: start your paragraph with a clear topic sentence that establishes what your paragraph is going to be about. Your point should support your essay argument or thesis statement.
E = Evidence/Example: here you should use a piece of evidence or an example that helps to reaffirm your initial point and develop the argument.
E = Explain: next you need to explain exactly how your evidence/example supports your point, giving further information to ensure that your reader understands its relevance.
L = Link: to finish the paragraph off, you need to link the point you’ve just made back to your essay question, topic, or thesis.