I trust the holidays were time spent refreshing and renewing energy levels for all students in returning for another semester. The battle to continue striving to reach new, or tweaked learning and personal goals is often different but for those who work hard.
Congratulations to many students who received a quality report culminating a semester worth of effort and achievement. For some students now is the appropriate time to re-focus and commit to a fresh set of achievement goals for the upcoming semester. It is an exciting term for many year groups as many students begin planning and preparing for the following educational Stage.
Year 10 students are busy choosing subjects and selecting career pathways to best suit their own planning after a well informed and attended evening on Tuesday 24 July. Year 8 students will undertake a similar journey selecting their Stage 5 Electives next month (21st August) after they complete their own Urban Challenge experience. Year 12 students have hopefully been working extremely hard throughout their break preparing for Trial HSC examinations as well as completing their major projects ready for submission. Year 7 students continue to be invited to meet the demands of academic rigour required in secondary schooling having hopefully survived their first semester and report, ready to adopt new challenges this term and engage in the number of opportunities on offer. Many Year 11 students are undertaking their own leadership journey, nominating themselves for selection as a 2019/20 Student Prefect. Along with this exciting time, they too begin to realise an important period of assessments is just 6 weeks away – Preliminary Finals (Weeks 9 and 10 this term) before they begin their HSC journey.
With a change in semester comes curriculum changes also. Stage 4 students will change their teachers and their courses for Visual Arts or Music. This also involves the HSIE KLA for both Stages 4 and 5, where the students will change course between either History and Geography, but not their teachers in most cases.
At the conclusion of Term 2, I mentioned some significant changes to our teaching staff and leadership for this Semester. We welcome the addition and the return of the following staff members for the beginning of Term 3, and are saddened of an unforeseen resignation:
- Mrs C Thompson, who returns from leave and will replace Miss Kennett in the Visual Arts KLA
- Miss Amor who joins us Term 3, replacing Ms Pritchett as our LOTE (Japanese) teacher
- Mrs Keogh has unfortunately resigned from her teaching position in the HSIE KLA, we welcome Mr Bourke who will be teaching Stages 4 & 5 HSIE for the remainder of Semester Two
The following changes to our timetabled teaching staff for the commencement of Term 3 are as follows:
- Mrs Edwards is on leave for the first three weeks of Term 3, Mr Margerison who will be replacing Mrs Edwards for 3 weeks and then replacing Mrs Waygood for a further 4 weeks in the Science KLA
- Miss Lister will take on the Acting Science KLA Coordinators role in Mrs Edwards absence
- Mr Kilbourne has been appointed the Year 9 Pastoral Coordinator
- Mr Churchill has been appointed the Recreational Sports Coordinator
I would like to congratulate these people in accepting these important leadership roles, working with staff, students and parents of our entire College community.
Mr B Walsh
Deputy Principal