Supporting all students, with all needs

Counselling is another opportunity for support at St Dominic’s College that is available to all students. Students are welcome to talk to a counsellor about any issue that is causing them concern.

Counselling is a collaborative process within the context of a confidential therapeutic relationship, where students can develop strategies to assist them in the management of feelings and situations. The number of counselling sessions that a student has is dependent on their individual needs and will be negotiated with them.

There are two full time school counsellors at St Dominic’s College, their offices are located in a separate and private space away from the activity of the classrooms.

A referral of a student to counselling can happen in three different ways;

  • Students can refer themselves by going to the counsellor’s offices or messaging via CANVAS. 
  • Teachers and Pastoral Coordinators can refer students if they are concerned about a student or notice changes in mood or behaviour.  
  • Parents/Carers can make a referral for their son by speaking with a counsellor over the phone or by making an appointment.

Our Counsellors take referrals based on the College House system. To know which counsellor to make the referral to please refer to the information below.

Mr Mark Turner       Mrs Debbie Haydon
84159142      84159119


Mrs Debbie Haydon’s role as the College Psychologist involves working in conjunction with the Diverse Learning team to conduct individual assessments for students identified as requiring additional support in the classroom.  These assessments provide valuable information for teaching staff to ensure individual students learning needs are met.



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