Our Pastoral Care and Discipline systems across the College are designed to support the journey from boy to gentleman. We believe in acknowledging and celebrating success in an environment with clear and high expectations in all arenas.


St Dominic’s College is committed to addressing any form of bullying and harassment and it is not tolerated. Assist us in ‘say no to bullying’ by notifying us of any issues in this area – Report Bullying.


House Coordinators

Our House Coordinators support the development of each student with a strong connection to the traditions of the College and the House they belong. Learn more…


Pastoral Coordinators

Our Pastoral Team work closely with all Key Learning Areas and teaching staff in supporting your son’s development, please do not hesitate to contact them when an issue arises (all coordinators are linked to their College email addresses to assist): College Contacts

Director of Pastoral Care

Mr Daniel Khoury