At St Dominic’s, we have developed a Uniform and Grooming Policy to uphold the dignity and identity of our College.


The Uniform and Grooming Policy aims to:

  • Promote a sense of pride and belonging among students, staff and parents in our College Community
  • Enhance the image and reputation of the College in the wider community
  • Foster a culture of respect and discipline among students
  • Support the learning and teaching process by minimising distractions and disruptions



Students are expected to ensure that their hairstyle and grooming meets the following criteria:

  • Students are expected to be clean shaven at all times.
  • Hair should be evenly cut, blended in and maintained in a neat and tidy fashion.
  • Hair must not be shorter than a Level 2 on the barber’s clippers
  • Hair must be blended and the same length at the back and sides of head e.g. mullets, burst fades or tapers are not permitted,
  • Lines are not to be shaven into student’s hair or eyebrows.
  • Hair must be above the shirt collar, not covering the ears and fringes are not to extend past the eye line.
  • Side burns are not to extend beyond the ear lobes.
  • Hair should not be overly styled by the use of excessive hair products.
  • Hair is not to be tinted or coloured.



Uniform is to be worn correctly coming to, at, and going from the College. Incorrect uniform may be confiscated by teachers, Pastoral Coordinators or members of the College Leadership Team. Students who do not comply to the College’s uniform policy may be placed on a College detention.

All articles of clothing should be clearly labelled.

All visible forms of jewellery are not permitted including earrings, clear plugs, necklaces, bracelets and any types of piercings. Earphones are not part of the uniform and are not to be worn, unless directed in class by your classroom teacher. Only College caps are to be worn for all outdoor activities.

The College Sports uniform is to be worn to school only on Thursdays or special College nominated event days. Tattoos are not allowed at the College. Any student who possesses a tattoo or wishes to get a tattoo for cultural reasons, must apply to the Principal for an exemption. A skin coloured bandage must be worn to cover tattoos.


Summer Uniform (Terms 1 and 4)

  • College grey trousers; Grey College shorts (optional)
  • College shirt (grey – junior); (white – senior)
  • Black leather belt
  • Grey, long socks (College colours on top)
  • If trousers are worn, grey or black short socks are acceptable (not ankle style);
  • Clean polishable, lace up black hard leather shoes (not ‘jogger’ style)
Winter Uniform (Terms 2 and 3)
  • College blazer
  • College shirt (grey – junior); (white – senior)
  • College tie
  • College grey trousers
  • Black leather belt
  • When trousers are worn, grey or black short socks are acceptable (not ankle style);
  • College midnight blue knitted woollen jumper may be worn in addition to the blazer (not instead of)
  • Clean polishable, lace up black hard leather shoes (not ‘jogger’ style);
College PE/Sports Uniform

The College PDHPE/Sport uniform can only be purchased at the College Uniform Shop. All students are expected to be neat and presentable at all times. Only the St Dominic’s labelled uniform is acceptable.


  • College Polo Shirt/House Shirt
  • College Sports Shorts
  • College Socks: Blue and white
  • College Tracksuit
  • Sports Shoes: Lace up sports shoes.
  • All students must purchase a College Cap. The College has a ‘no hat, no play’ policy in open areas.
  • For PDHPE practical lessons, College House Polo Shirt must be worn.


College jumpers may be worn under their College Tracksuit during the colder months.

If the full sports uniform cannot be worn, then students are expected to wear full and correct summer/winter uniform. For representative sports, students may be required to purchase additional uniform items such as football shorts and socks. They may need to wear these during games however they must change back into their College sports uniform at the completion of games. Students must wear correct playing attire when representing the College.



Where a breach of the above expectations occur, the following processes may take place.


Minor Breach – e.g. shaving, incorrect socks, no blazer etc

  • Chronicle issued on Compass where parents are automatically notified via email
  • Student given a set time frame to rectify the issue
  • Student is not permitted in the main yard until issue is rectified
  • Note: 3 minor breaches of the uniform/grooming policy in a term will automatically result in a College Detention


Major Breach – e.g. hair cut against uniform & grooming policy

  • Chronicle issued on Compass by PC, where parents are automatically notified via email
  • Student given a set time frame to rectify the issue
  • Student is not permitted in the main yard until issue is rectified
  • College Detention automatically issued


Severe Breach – extreme/deliberate/repeated breach of uniform & grooming policy

  • Chronicle issued on Compass by DoPC, where parents are automatically notified via email
  • College Detention automatically issued
  • Student suspended until the breach is rectified


The definition and classification of a breach is ultimately at the discretion of the Director of Pastoral Care.