In the interest of student wellbeing and focussed learning, St Dominic’s College will join a growing number of state, independent and private schools placing bans on mobile phone use during school hours.


The purpose of this policy is to foster positive student relationships, as well as promote academic achievement in students. In support of our dynamic learning environment while continuing to build positive right relationships for all, the following policy will commence Term 2, 2023.


  • Mobile phones and headphones are not permitted for use on College grounds between 8:00am and 3:00pm, unless granted explicit permission by a teacher.
  • Students are NOT permitted to access social media, games, texts, phone calls, camera or applications.
  • Laptops and mobile phones are not permitted for use in the yard, ovals or outdoor spaces during the above times. Students may use their laptop within the Edmund Rice Learning Centre for College use only (Homework or Assessments).
  • Mobile phones and headphones may be used for teaching and learning purposes at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
  • Mobile phones are brought to the College at the owner’s own risk. No liability will be accepted by the College in the event of loss, theft or damage of the phone.
  • If a student has exceptional circumstances that require the use of their mobile phone during College hours (such as issues relating to health or family), the Pastoral Coordinator should be informed and requests for exceptions made.
  • If a parent does need to contact their son, they should do so by calling the front office on 4731 1933.
  • Students must sign and return an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Agreement before they are permitted to bring their mobile phones to the College.

Students who do not meet the above expectations will be subject to the ‘Step by Step Student Misuse Process’ and the Pastoral Care and Discipline Procedures of the College.