St Dominic’s College is committed to providing Catholic education to boys in the Greater Penrith Area. The College Enrolment Policy, along with subject choices and current student reports will determine enrolment.
We are now accepting online enrolments
Set out below is the step by step procedure to be followed by all intending applicants. Please read carefully.
- Complete the electronic Enrolment Application Form.
- In order to process this application form, the following must be included :
- Passport size photo
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Immunisation History Statement (this can be downloaded from your myGov account)
- Most recent Naplan results
- Copy of Sacraments received to date (for Catholics only)
- Copy of the most recent school report
- $120 application fee
- Court orders (if applicable)
- Every application must be signed by both parents, or a letter explaining why this is not possible.
After the closing date, you will be contacted by the College to inform you of the interview process.
St Dominic’s College is an independent Catholic Boy’s College under the care of Edmund Rice Education Australia. The College is committed to providing quality education to members of the Greater Western Sydney. Catholic values permeate the whole school and Catholic teachings and worship are proudly proclaimed. High standards are an expectation of all members of the community. Enrolment at St Dominic’s College brings with it a commitment by students and families to be actively involved in contributing to the reputation of the College. I look forward to welcoming you into our College.
For all enrolment enquiries, please contact the College office on 02 8415 9136 during school hours, or email enrolments@stdominics.nsw.edu.au
To view the College Prospectus, please click here.