The College Theme is updated each year to reflect one of the four EREA Touchstones and draws inspiration from the Scriptures. The 2023 Theme is based on the Inclusive Community theme.

The central message of the Inclusive Community theme embraces the fundamental nature of St Dominic’s College as a Catholic community, welcoming all members of its community to learn about and celebrate the love of God.


These foundations are a pure reflection of our core values.

Based on the EREA Touchstone of Inclusive Community, the 2023 College Theme is ‘Welcome, Nurture,Celebrate’.


St Dominic’s College is an accepting and welcoming community that fosters nurturing relationships and is committed to the wellbeing and welfare of our students and wider College community.

Taking inspiration from the EREA Inclusive Community Touchstone, and scripture reading John 15.12: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. ”