The following changes to our College staff for midway, Term 3 are as follows:

  • We welcome to our staff, Niyati Shah who has joined the ICT Team as the Service Desk Engineer.
  • Currently the College is advertising for a couple of maternity leave positions in the KLA of Science and English for the beginning of Term 4, 2020. Details for both positions can be located within the Teachers On Net website.


Annually the EREA Deputy Principals and Heads of Campus (Flexible Learning Centres) gather to ensure we are in alignment with the EREA Strategic Directions. This year at the conference (albeit online), we  explored how EREA can raise its collective voice in relation to an experience of church which recognises the divine in every person’s search for meaning. The conference focused on the hopes and dreams of young people, recognising that a paradigm shift is required to make a new meaning.

Through the lens provided by the EREA Strategic Directions 2020 – 24, in our ongoing quest to support the formation of over 38,000 children and young people. Along with continuing to raise our voices, shift our thinking, share our resources and build the relationships required to teach and to learn in the name of Edmund Rice. Sessions throughout the day allowed the collective voice of leaders within EREA schools to draw their attention to three separate clips chosen to provoke thought and discussion in smaller zoom meeting groups. Stimulus questions framed a response from the following:

Clip 1: Archbishop Mark Coleridge:  Assembly of Catholic Professionals, March 2020 

You Tube 16/3/20.  From 22:05-31:15 “Changing the Culture of the Church”  


Clip 2: Phil Glendenning: Catholic Mission TV “Becoming a Church Beyond 2020” May 23, 2019. 

From 13:30-26:12 

Clip 3: “Engaging Young people in the Church” Assembly of Catholic professionals Q&A Mark Coleridge; from 2.45 – 6.29 

The voice of the youth was represented from across the country whereby every school was able to send through a video summary of the “Our Voice in the Church – Student Captains and Vice-captains statements from the 2019, EREA Leadership camp”. These videos allowed individual schools and flexible learning centres the opportunity to promote the way in which they contextualise church in their own learning environment.

The afternoon session enabled everyone online to be engaged in a Q & A session with three extremely experienced leaders in Catholic Education namely: Philomena Billington from the EREA Council, Pam Betts who is the Executive Director of Brisbane Catholic Education and Dr Wayne Tinsey, the National Executive Director of EREA.

As difficult and different as it was from previous DP/HoC Conferences, it was deemed a successful event which will now have some elements proposed for our own future endeavours here at the College, as well as initiatives and suggestions to be incorporated within our upcoming, new strategic directions.


Mr B. Walsh

Deputy Principal