Reflecting on the final weeks of Term 3 and then the holidays, I cannot believe how quickly time went. It seems COVID-19 time goes very quickly (although this may not be the case for everyone).

We finished off the term with R U OK Day in Week 8 and then the final events of the Rivalympics. It was so great to see so many of the students get involved with the various activities, especially those who created their own cooking and challenge videos. The Ready Steady Ronchetti competition was certainly a hit. 

As we approach our return to on-site schooling, whilst it is crucial for our young people, I am sure there is anxiousness and trepidation for some students about returning to school and previous routines. Sleep patterns, more relaxed clothing styles and haircuts and working around a more flexible timetable will all have to change in a return to school. Some of us might have become accustomed to the ‘COVID’ way of doing things and so change might be difficult. For others, the return to a sense of normality can’t come soon enough.

Some of the things that families can do to help students prepare for the return include:

  • Have conversations about returning. Keep conversations positive and try and focus on the good things about returning to school. Acknowledge the negatives, but try and keep things in a positive light as students will react to the cues of their parents.
  • Reassure students that the College will put all measures in place and follow all government guidelines to try to keep them safe from COVID-19.
  • Students will need assistance in getting back into their old routines especially regarding bed times and waking up of a morning.
  • Focus on the present and not thinking too far ahead. What do students need to be doing now on a week-to-week basis that is in their control to help them prepare for the return to school? For example: Keep on top of their school work, communicate with their teachers, get into a daily routine (try and stick to their timetable), go to bed at a reasonable hour, try and do less gaming / social media if this has been a focus of their attention over the past few months etc.
  • Contact the College if there are concerns regarding a student returning. If staff are aware of concerns, then support measures can be put in place.
  • Check uniforms are ready to go and still fit.

The term ahead will have some hurdles as everyone adjusts to our old routines. However we are all in this journey together and so we hope that with a sense of cooperation and open and clear communication, the students return will be positive and we can celebrate the end of a turbulent year on a high.


Ms Monica Day – Acting Director of Pastoral Care