Term 2 Assessments will begin in the coming weeks. For a number of our courses, this will involve a half yearly examination on the semester 1 content. The sooner your son begins this preparation the better. This could involve creating study notes, completing revision questions from previous topics, and submitting drafts to their teachers for marking and feedback.
The COVID Intensive Learning Support program will continue this term. The structure for 2022 has changed based on the updated recommendations from NESA. The College will now be targeting our supported classes in Mathematics and English. If your son is in one of these classes, he will receive consolidation of numeracy and literacy skills in small groups for a 6 week duration. The College will be using our standard PATR and PATM tests to get a measure of how effective this program will be.
We hope the term has started smoothly for you and your families and look forward to journey ahead.
Stay safe and God bless.
Mr David Gerlach Director of Teaching and Learning |
Mr Luke Borg Director of Curriculum |