Year 9 Careers Lessons – Who am I (my future)

Year 9 students have recently started their careers classes this term. These lessons are designed to encourage them to start to think about their future. Career education helps students to develop self-awareness and self-confidence in making career and education related decisions. It allows students to have the opportunity to explore the world of work and provides opportunities to investigate occupations and post school pathways.


Health Inspirations Work Experience Nepean Hospital

Nepean Hospital hosted a work experience week for school students in the Penrith area recently. One of our students, Jack Benson in year 10 was selected to attend. Jack spent the week gaining valuable insights into the many and varied roles and career opportunities in NSW Health and Hospitals.

Year 11 Academy Access Award for Western Sydney University.

Students in year 11 have been encouraged recently to consider applying for the Western Sydney University High Academic Achiever Academy Access Award. Year 11 students can write a statement outlining why they should be considered for this Award. Applications need to be emailed to Mrs Rimmer. Applications close on 9th November.


Dates for your Diary:
University Course Offer Rounds for Year 12s

The most important offer rounds for Year 12 students are December Round 2 (Thursday 20 December 2018) and January Round 1 (Friday 11 January 2019).

Not all courses will be offered in December Round 2, and applicants should check UAC’s website for details of excluded courses before they finalise their course preferences.

TAFE Applications for 2019 are currently open for current Year 12 students.

Check TAFE website for further information on courses and important dates; or come and see me at the careers office for further assistance.


Diana Rimmer

Careers Advisor