Welcome back to all students and staff on behalf of the Sports Department here at the College. Once again there will be a wide variety of opportunities for students to represent themselves and the College sporting events in 2019. MCS Basketball and Cricket continues into Round 9 from Thursday 7th February. While both our Downie Trophy and Berg Shield Cricket teams are continuing to progress through the knockout competitions and into the final rounds of play.
It is important that both students and parents regularly check the MCS and NSWCCC websites for information regarding representative trials for specific sports. While the College makes every effort to ensure that information is timely and accurate, on occasions amendments may be made to scheduling. Information can be found at:
MCS Representative Softball & Baseball Trial Dates
*Please check the MCS website for more information
MCS Softball Trials- 6th & 13th February
MCS Baseball Trials- 20 & 27th February
MCS Representative Touch Football Trials
*Please check the MCS website for more information
MCS Touch Football Trials 6th March
Berg Shield Cricket
Good luck to Mr Williams, Mr Lawson and our Berg Shield team who have progressed to Round 4 of the knock-out competition. The team takes on St Columbas, Springwood on Wednesday 6th February at Knapsack Oval, Glenbrook.
Downie Trophy Cricket
Good luck to Mr Rawding, Mr Jansz and our Downie Trophy team who will compete against St Gregory’s College in Round 4 of the competition on Friday 1st February at St Gregory’s College, Campbelltown. The team may have a busy week ahead with the Semi- Final and Grand Final taking place on the 4th & 5th of February respectively at Raby Oval, Raby.
St Dominic’s College Rugby League & Soccer Trials
MCS Rugby League and Soccer trials for the College will be held throughout the term once coaching staff have been finalised. Students are reminded to regularly check the Sports Announcements on Canvas to see when trials will be held for respective age/ year groups. The MCS Soccer competition will commence on Thursday 21st March while Rugby League will start on Thursday 4th April.
Students who are selected for a Rugby League or Soccer team are required to be in the correct College uniform for their matches. Socks and Shorts for each of the codes can be purchased from the College Uniform Shop.
Trials for 1st Grade Rugby League and A Grade Soccer will take place during Sport on the College Ovals from Thursday 7th February.
College Swimming Carnival
The College Swimming Carnival will be held at Ripples, St Mary’s on 26th February. The Carnival is for ‘competitors only’ meaning that all students will have the opportunity to attend the day; however, students must compete in a minimum of two events with the intention of representing the College at the MCS level. More information will be sent out via the Sports Announcement page on Canvas over the coming weeks.
Mr R Peake
Sport Co-ordinator