The following known changes to our timetabled teaching staff for the last few weeks of Term 4 with known leave and HSC examination marking requirements:
- Ms Polidano is on leave for Weeks 1 – 4
- Mr Chapman is on LSL leave for Week 4
- Mr Wilson continues his LSL or a further two weeks returning in Week 6, Miss Ede is currently the Acting Music KLA Coordinator.
- Mr Zammit continues his leave until the end of Week 4
- Mr Lewis continues his leave until the end of Week 4, Ms Knowles is currently overseeing the Visual Arts KLA.
Whilst the Graduation Day ending Term 3 is always a highlight for many families and students; the reality of upcoming examinations lurks in the background of student thoughts. Throughout the first few weeks, Year 12 students have meticulously (and possibly anxiously) gone about their studies in the completion of HSC papers along with thousands of other students. Our prayers and thoughts were with them at this time and in speaking with many students at either the beginning or the conclusion of their examinations they (for the majority) have felt pleased with their efforts. This may also be relief to say the final task is complete for that course, but an anxious wait for results will become the norm as they transition on their next journey.
Year 11 – upon returning from Senior Retreat have elected their College Captain and Vice in a process which has taken over a Term to determine the make-up of the student leadership group. Congratulations to both Cooper and Isaac in being elected into these leadership positions, as well as the other 12 College Prefects who formidably make up the leadership team with their portfolios being determined last week. We are, however, confident these fine young men having accepted their portfolio responsibility will lead the entire College throughout 2020.
Stages 4 and 5 students are busy preparing for their final assessments for the year. This too is an anxious time for many students as deadlines approach and assessment criteria generates heightened stress levels. Students are reminder to be prepared and follow the processes in placed to support them at this important time. The key elements at this stage of the term are communication and being organised; know what is required and when – ask the question, send an email before the due date.
Exciting times for 2020, as we welcomed our Year 6 students for their Orientation Day. The obvious anticipation of the unknown with varied degrees of expectation and trepidation for the day. This was eased throughout the day with boys settling well into the activities. The transition from primary to secondary education is always something that affects individuals differently and we look forward to welcoming these students next year as well as new families to our College community.
Mr Barry Walsh – Deputy Principal