Term 4 began with our Senior Retreat: “Who do you say that I am?” for our Year 11 students. They were quite deeply involved and discussed issues about developing our faith as we become men in an ever increasingly complex society. We ran two retreat sites and our special thanks to Mark Levy for his administration and to Rebecca Reid (Mittagong) and Luke Borg (Grose Vale) who were the retreat facilitators; to our teams: (Grose Vale) Bronwyn Birkett, Tim Easterbrook, Ben Hall, Jonathan Buckley, Zac Culican (Mittagong) Jen Walsh, Ben Cummins, Julian Naicker, Judith Torpy and Kate Smith. Also thanks to Fr Gregory Jacobs sj who celebrated Mass at our Grose Vale site.
Best Foot Forward
We came back to support our Best Foot Forward Campaign which works with our partner organisation ERFA (Edmund Rice Foundation Australia) to provide education programs for girls across the world. Our executive and Support Staff purchased and wore pink shoe laces to show their support. We will extend this program to the whole College from 2020.
Year 8 Lights Up The Night
On Friday of our first week back, the Year 8 SRC organised our participation at Light The Night Lantern Walk for Leukaemia Foundation at Penrith. Congratulations to these students who are building links with our community in such a caring way.
Social Justice Records
Social Justice Records are due in Week 4. This is a Mandatory program and it is expected that these will be finalised next week. The SJ Records are in the Student Diaries.