Term Overview
The term started very well. As always there is plenty occurring. I had the privilege of attending the Urban Challenge with Year 8 during Week 3. Too often in the busyness of life we forget how lucky we are. Traveling around the different parts of Sydney CBD was tremendous, looking at the beautiful sites of Sydney whilst enjoying the company of the fine young men that we have in Year 8. The old fashion values they displayed, use of manners and standing for adults on public transport for example, is something that you expect yet often do not see in the real world, it makes you very proud to be a member of this fine community when young men display these values without being prompted.
Once again in the area of sport, we have had tremendous results in a range of sports including Rugby League, Football (Soccer) and Basketball. Winning is great but it is what it takes to get there that is the real impressive aspect. The commitment to training, the dedication to looking after yourself; diet, treatment of injuries and the humility that you show, both in the good and challenging times. Congratulations to all involved. We also had a variety of students involved in cocurricular activities which included musical performances, Duke of Edinburgh program as well as Literacy and Numeracy challenges. Sporting and cocurricular success were celebrated at our recent assembly, I urge anyone that follows us on social media to take time to look at just how many students have been involved.
In the classroom students across a variety of year groups have been involved in exam blocks and other forms of assessment. Overall students have displayed great focus and commitment to their studies. One of the many great initiatives at the college is the participation in the ‘Write a Book in a Day’. This was very well attended by students. The day began at 8am in the college Learning Centre and participants had until 8pm to formulate their book. Staff were very generous with their time in assisting students across multiple year groups achieve their goal. The day highlighted the many creative writing talents of our students.
A reminder once again around drop off and the pickup of students. Please be mindful of driveways and thoroughfares in and around the College. Students should not be waiting to be picked up, nor dropped off, in the staff carpark. On the Gascoigne Street side of the College, students should not stand in the neighbour’s front yard. Parents/Carers are asked not to park across the driveways of neighbouring properties while they wait for their son’s.
Year 11
Year 11 are currently siting their Preliminary Examinations. This assessment period marks the end of their Preliminary Course as they will commence the Higher School Certificate course during Term 4. We wish all our Year 11 students the very best as they continue to prepare for, and complete, this significant period of assessment.
Year 12
After 13 years of schooling, our Year 12 embark on their last week at the College. We wish them all the very best in their preparation for the HSC exams and thank them for the example and standards that they have set the entire College community. Thank you and good luck.
I wish Staff, Students, and their families a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you when we return on 9th October. A reminder that students are to return in the correct Summer Uniform.
Have a wonderful break
Mr Adam Rafferty
Deputy Principal