Year 12 Fast Forward Conference ‘Beyond Year 12’ – Western Sydney University
Pasifika Achievement towards Higher Education (PATHE) invited our senior Pacific Islander students to participate in the Year 12 Fast Forward Conference ‘Beyond Year 12’ at Western Sydney University.
The Fast Forward Program is a partnership between Western Sydney University and Western Sydney Schools which helps students to see the value of continuing their education through to year 12 and beyond.
Aims of the program:
· To increase Western Sydney school students’ engagement in learning and the completion of year 12
· To develop students’ confidence, knowledge, skills and educational attainment
· To enhance Western Sydney students’ awareness of post school education opportunities
· To promote the benefits of lifelong learning and life opportunities to students and their families
· To improve the participation of Western Sydney students in higher education.
Students were delivered the keynote address by Australian Journalist Ellen Fanning and students are currently engaged in workshop presentations they selected based on tertiary interest. #fastforward2018#westernsydneyu
Mrs Sonya Peters