6th July, 2018
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Year 11 and 12 will mark a significant period of time in your son’s education here at St Dominic’s College, particularly as he strives for his personal best in the HSC. As part of ensuring that your son is well informed and prepared for this next stage of his educational journey at St Dominic’s College, two compulsory events will be held for all Year 10 students and parents at the College on Tuesday 24th July, 2018. Students will be required to attend both these events in full winter school uniform. An outline of these events can be found below:
1. Student and Parent Year 11 2019 Subject Information Sessions (5:30pm to 6:40pm)
All students and parents in attendance will be dispersed into small groups where they will have a number of short information sessions on the options and different courses being offered to students in Year 11 in 2019. Attendance is compulsory for all students for these subject sessions. Parents are also strongly encouraged to attend these sessions with their sons. Teaching staff in each of these sessions will present to each group on each course the following areas:
· Course descriptions
· Main Topics covered
· Course requirements
The Schedule for these information sessions can be found on the reverse side of this letter. At the conclusion of these sessions all parents and students will attend the Year 11 2019 Parent Information Evening. Refreshments will be provided for students and parents at the rear of the hall prior to the commencement of the Parent Information Evening session
2. Year 11 2018 Parent Information Evening (7:00pm to 7:40pm)
The College will also require you and your son to attend the Year 11 2019 Parent Information Evening at 7:00pm in the Br Warner Hall. This Information Evening will cover the following areas:
Subject selection support strategies and advice
College Policies and Procedures in assisting your son
RoSA Credential Requirements
Careers Advice
Mandatory Requirements of NESA
Subject Selection Process (including login details)
At the conclusion of the evening you and your son will be given the opportunity to meet and discuss further with the teaching staff at the College the options and subjects being offered at the College in 2019 to assist you both in making the significant decisions on subject selection. A Year 11 Course Handbook on the key areas mentioned above will also be supplied to each student via their Year 10 Canvas Curriculum Page from Friday 6th July. Students are encouraged to read this Handbook carefully so they are well informed of their subject options in Year 11 2019.
Finally, I look forward to seeing you and your son at the Subject Information Sessions and the Year 11 2019 Subject Selection Parent Information evening. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the College if you need further information. I am available via email on pgorton@stdominics.nsw.edu.au or at the College on (02) 4731 1933.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr P. Gorton
Director of Curriculum