The Staff Spirituality Day on the last day of term allowed the staff the opportunity to reflect on our Christian role in teaching. We were fortunate to hear from Fr Rob Galea, who some might have seen on ‘X Factor’ in 2015. He has written some contemporary hymns but has toured with his music and ministry. His largest audience was 1.4 million and had written and performed with Guy Sebastian. Our staff enjoyed the way he shared his story and his unfolding relationship with God.
Stations of the Cross
On the last Thursday of Term, Ms Ede led our reflection on the Stations of the Cross. This moving drama was acted by some Year 7 students and ably supported by the band under Mr Wilson’s direction and the Choir rehearsed by Ms Ede. It was a moving occasion.
Vinnies Van
Thanks to Killian, Luka and Kaleb who went out in the Van on Wednesday night. The staff also provided some Easter Eggs that our street friends really enjoyed.
Mr Z Culican
Director of Identity