Our Indigenous students have been working together to construct a range of activities to celebrate National Reconciliation Week 2019 (27th May- 3rd June). The activities have been designed to develop an understanding amongst staff and students of the meaning of the week and significant milestones in the process of Reconciliation.

The theme for 2019 is Grounded in Truth, Walk Together with Courage.

Commencing Monday 27th May: Students received fact sheets during Homeroom outlining the 1967 Referendum and the 1992 Mabo Decision.


A short quiz (10 questions) has been made available on the College Canvas Announcement Page for students to complete in reference to these important events.

Students who answer each questions correctly will be entered into a draw to win the following:

1st Place: Indigenous All Stars Jersey
2nd Place: Indigenous All Stars Training Shirt
3rd Place: Indigenous All Stars Ball


*The quiz closed on Thursday 30th May and students completed this either during Homeroom or within their own time.

Throughout the week Indigenous students will be working on two projects:

A Reconciliation artwork that signifies the Colleges commitment to Reconciliation
Connection to Country project- Students begin the process of retracing their Indigenous Origins.


On Friday 31st May: The College held a Reconciliation Assembly during Homeroom.

The activities have been designed to stimulate conversation and encourage students to further develop their understanding of the significance of the week.




AIME Continues

A reminder that AIME mentoring continues for Indigenous students in Years 7-12 each Wednesday from 3-4pm in the A206. This is a great opportunity for students to receive extra assistance with homework, assessment tasks and revision. Students are encouraged to make the most of the initiative and attend.

AIME program days will take place on the following dates this year:

Program Day 2: August 30th
Program Day 3: October 18th

*A reminder that students are required to attend a minimum of two tutor squad afternoons per term to be able to attend these days.


Mr R Peake

Indigenous Education Officer