St Dominic’s College Athletics Carnival
Following on from our last newsletter, we are now able to publish our athletics results for 2019. After finalising our Javelin event for our carnival, congratulations must go to the following Age Champions for 2019:
U/12’s– 1st Simon Ankuma (R) 2nd Zachary Reynolds (R) 3rd Kyian Van Dijk (S)
U/13’s- 1st Toby Camilleri (S), 2nd Jaxen Edgar (D), 3rd Austen Pantazacos (T)
U/14’s– 1st Joshua Debritt (T) 2nd Aidan McKervey (T) 3rd Brock Stapleton (S)
U/15’s– 1st Ethan Hutchings (S) 2nd Luke Hanson (T) 3rd Ryan Mooney (R)
U/16’s– 1st Ryan Freeman (T) 2nd Emmanuel Boadu (R) 3rd Trent Whitbread (S)
U/17’s– 1st Cameron Gill (T) 2nd Daniel Thomas (D) 3rd Mitchell Baragry (S)
Open’s– 1st Lachlan Camilleri (S) 2nd Takunda Gadzambo (T) 3rd Odin Brown (T)
Furthermore, congratulations to the Tench House on being crowned the St Dominic’s College Athletics Champions for 2019.
1st Tench
2nd Surawski
3rd Rice
4th Dharuk
MCS Athletics Carnival
The MCS Athletics Carnival was recently held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre on Thursday 22nd August. It was fantastic to see our students entered and participating in every scheduled event across the day. At this point we are waiting for the official individual event results and these will be published in coming weeks. Thank you to Mr Kilbourne, Miss Cook, Mr Meek, Mr B Hall and Mr J Hall for all your assistance in preparing the team in preparation for the Carnival. Congratulations and thank you to the following students who competed at the Carnival also:
Anei Anei, Simon Ankuma, Connor Baragry, Mitchell Baragry, Zachery Baulman, Emmanuel Boadu, Keegan Brady, Odin Brown, Lachlan Camilleri, Toby Camilleri, Ethan Clune, Isaac Coldicott, Benjamin Comarmond, Joshua Debritt, Xavier Degei, Logan Dwyer, Jaxen Edgar, Kye Eldridge, Rory Fletcher, Takunda Gadzembo, Cameron Gill, Jacob Halangahu, Cooper Hale, Luke Hanson, Zachari Hanson, Joshua Haydon, Jesse Jackson, Boulis Ker, Kassem Khanafer, Charlie Klemesrud, Brandon Kopp, Samuel Kopp, Noah Lang, Zane Lang, Aidan McKervey, Ryan Mooney, Austen Pentazacos, Zachary Reynolds, Phillip Saito, Jayke Searle, Brock Stapleton, Karlo Sudulic, Mason Teague, Daniel Thomas, Keeghan Tran, Kyian Van Dijk, Ethan Wheeler, Trent Whitbread
Unfortunately, we did not quite defeat the 19 years of St Gregory’s College’s athletics dominance. Our students however, did an incredible job in placing 2nd in the Junior, Senior and Overall shields from the 11 MCS Colleges. A highlight from the day was also watching our relay teams. From the seven relay events, five of our teams finished 1st and two in 2nd position. Congratulations must also be extended to the following students:
Runners Up Age Champion:
U/12’s- Simon Ankuma
U/15’s- Xavier Degei
U/17’s- Cameron Gill
Age Champion:
Opens- Lachlan Camilleri
Well done to both our Junior and Senior AFL teams who have continued their undefeated ways after passing the halfway point of the season. Both teams have recently had some impressive and dominant wins in their respective competitions. Finals are approaching in Week 7 and both teams look to be on course to replicate previous years successes.
MCS Touch Football
Unfortunately, the scheduled Week 4 matches were cancelled for Touch Football and the following weeks MCS Athletics has meant that there has not been a lot of game time for our teams. As we move into the final rounds of competition however, all of our teams are in top four and semi-final contention.
MCS Golf
Our College MCS Golf trials have continued throughout Term 3. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent the College at the MCS Golf Championships (Thursday 5th September at Glenmore Heritage Valley):
Opens – Jayke Searle
U/17– Lachlan Jacobs, Ben Liepa, Riley Wilson
U/16 – Hayden Carlson, Dylan Hodson
U/15 – Coby Carruthers, Connor Tidyman, Hayden Walsh
U/14 – Aaron Barlow, Jack Grieve, Blake Hodges
U/13 – Connor Hamilton, Harrison McCue, Declan Mingramm
NSWCCC Rugby League
Good luck to our Senior Rugby League team who will travel to the Kingsway, St Mary’s to play in the NSWCCC Cup on Wednesday August 28th, 2019. Students will play in the following matches:
10:15am v St John’s College, Woodlawn
11:25am v Edmund Rice College, Wollongong
1:25pm v St Josephs, Banora Point
2:35pm Grand Final
Mr R Peake
Sports Coordinator