HSC Results

  • Students are advised to ensure their contact details are correct with Students Online and UAC so access to results is assured.
  • HSC Results are published directly to students contact details and can be accessed via Students Online from 17th December.
  • ATAR Results are published directly to students contact details and can be accessed via UAC from 1pm on 17th December.
  • The College will be holding a HSC AND ATAR BBQ on 18th December from 8.30am for all our HSC students to celebrate our successes together.


Student Leavers – Reminders

  • Student Microsoft accounts will be disable on December 20th, please ensure all accounts using this address are updated to ensure you have future access (especially students online).
  • All resources should now be returned to the ERLC.
  • Any queries regarding your laptop or software can be directed to ithelpdesk@stdominics.nsw.edu.au (however there is no off boarding process required).


RoSA Results

  • Year 10-11 students will see their results via Students Online.
  • Deadline for Year 10 students to lodge appeal with the principal. For support Contact Student Support (02) 9367 8117 or studentsupport@nesa.nsw.edu.au


Awards Evening – December 5th

  • Students and parents will be informed by invitation to this event via an email.
  • Students are expected to wear College uniform to this event.
  • Further information in relation to the event will be posted via the College APP.


College Reports

  • Year 7 to 10 Yearly Reports will be emailed to parents on Thursday 5th December


Goodbye and Farewell


Mr P Gorton and Mr D Sheil will be leaving the College at the end of the year to continue their vocations in new roles in other educational institutions. In 2020, Mr Luke Borg and Mr David Gerlach will lead the College in Curriculum & the Teaching and Learning agenda. If you have any further enquiries, or require assistance in these areas then feel free to contact them at the college via phone or email.