Dear Parents & Guardians,
I am sure by now all families, through the media, will be aware of the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus in Wuhan, China and its spread throughout the world. I am writing to update you about how we are ensuring the safety of our students and staff under the current circumstances.
The College is actively monitoring all currently available information and we will continue to review and assess as further advice and guidance from NSW Health and other relevant bodies becomes available.
In managing any potential health risk to the community, the College’s protocols are as follows:
- As per NSW Health guidelines, if your family has visited any region in China or any other affected region over the past 14 days, please ensure your child does not attend school this week, as the Novel Coronavirus’ incubation period can be as long as two weeks. Students should not return to school until they have received a medical clearance from a doctor and advised the College accordingly. The medical clearance should note that the examination has cleared your child in respect of the Novel Coronavirus. An updated list of affected regions is on the NSW Health website.
- If your family has not visited any affected region and your child has flu-like symptoms, as with any other virus, please seek appropriate medical care and keep your child at home until they have recovered.
- The College must be immediately advised if you become aware that your child has been in contact with a person diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Your child will be excluded for 14 days since they were last in contact with the confirmed case.
- The College will be focusing on reinforcing good hygiene practices and we encourage parents to remind their child of these prior to the return to school.
We will continue to monitor the situation.
Should NSW Health issue new guidelines we will provide all necessary updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact the school via email on or via phone on 47311 933.
Your sincerely,
Mr Michael Ronchetti
College Principal