Online Learning Environment
Thank you for the patience and understanding shown during the College’s movement to an online learning environment. We appreciate it has been a difficult time for families to adjust to the rapidly evolving situation. Please refer to our previous communication on the guidelines for the Teaching and Learning in an online learning environment. This guide steps you through the expectations of teachers, students and parents.
Some areas to highlight:
- Your son is asked to use his timetable as a guide for what to work on each day;
- Your son’s work will come through his Course Announcements by 8:30am each day in each of his courses;
- Your son will be required to complete the set work to the best of his ability;
- Please touch base with your son regularly to ensure he is keeping up to date with his work;
- If there are any issues with him being able to complete the work, please keep the classroom teacher informed through College email or a Canvas message.
Some other important things to note in this time:
NAPLAN 2020 – NESA has cancelled all NAPLAN examinations for 2020.
HSC 2020 – NESA has announced that the HSC exams will still proceed. There will be further correspondence coming from NESA about assessment requirements, major works and practical based courses. We will share this information as it becomes available to us. Please consult NESA also for updates at the following website:
We hope your son’s learning can transition smoothly into the online learning environment. Please be assured our staff are working very hard to ensure this happens. If you have any questions or concerns about this, we encourage you to contact us.
Mr Borg Ms Day Mr Gerlach
Director of Curriculum Director of Diverse Learning Director of Teaching and Learning