Transition Learning Environment
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding shown during the College’s transition back to face-to-face environment for Term 2. We appreciate it has been an ongoing and difficult time for families to adjust to the constantly evolving situation. The College has been impressed with the engagement of our families during online learning. Whilst classes have not been running on-site, the teaching and learning, teacher-parent contact and pastoral activities have continued unabated.
Please note the following:
- From Week 6, all students are returning to face-to-face teaching and learning.
- A number of our staff and students will need to remain at home during this time for medical or family reasons. As such:
- Teachers who cannot be at school will continue with the setting of online lessons, and a substitute teacher will assist the students onsite.
- Students who cannot be onsite, will be provided with lesson outlines to support them to keep up with required work.
- Whilst we are returning to face-to-face teaching, there will still be some adjustments that need to be made to ensure the health and safety of our staff and students. This includes:
- Ongoing hand sanitation and sanitation of classroom equipment.
- Limited practical opportunities in some subjects.
- Term 2 assessment continuing to be online task submissions.
- Excursions and incursions will not be occurring in the interim.
- College events such as assemblies, carnivals, parent teacher interviews etc, are being postponed or adjusted to an alternate format.
- As always in each of our decisions, the health and safety of our entire community will be the priority.
Diverse Learning Centre support
Whilst the College is slowly transitioning back to face-to-face learning, there will be some reduced after school support in the Diverse Learning Centre for Weeks 6 and 7 of Term 2. Afternoons will be allocated to specific year groups for those students who wish to seek extra support in the Diverse Learning Centre between 3 and 4pm. Allocated days are as follows:
- Monday – Year 8 and Year 10
- Tuesday – Year 9 and Year 11
- Wednesday – Year 7 and Year 12
We hope your son’s learning can continue smoothly as we transition back to a face-to-face learning environment. Please be assured our St Dominic’s staff are working very hard to ensure this happens. If you have any questions or concerns about this, we encourage you to contact us.
Mr Borg Director of Curriculum |
Miss Day Director of Diverse Learning
Mr Gerlach Director of Teaching and Learning |