This term our Year 9 PASS (Physical Activity and Sport Studies) classes have studied the unit ‘Physical Activity for Specific Groups’. This unit investigates physical activity and sport for a specific group such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, people with disabilities, young people or the elderly and the ways in which this group participates in physical activity and sport. Students have been investigating the current challenges facing groups and advocate ways in which groups can enhance their physical activity and sport participation. This unit of work is closely linked to the EREA touchstone of ‘Inclusive Communities’ and gives students a very practical insight into this touchstone.
Today in their practical class, teachers Mr.Peake and Mr.Kilbourne focused on physical activities for visually impaired people and had their classes participating in a number of games with blind folds and modified balls with bells inside. One game that the class particularly enjoyed was ‘Goal Ball’ which is a game of soccer modified for the visually impaired. The game was enjoyed by all and gave the students a great appreciation of how skilled visually impaired athletes are. The students will continue on with their studies on this unit and next term will get to experience the Wheelchair Sports Roadshow when they visit St.Dominic’s, which gives students a chance to participate in a variety of wheelchair sports.
Mr D. Mackinnon – PDHPE Coordinator