The return to a face-to-face Learning Environment
As we transitioned to the end of Term 2, the return to face-to-face teaching and learning has been welcomed by both staff and students. A number of great initiatives have been taking place across the College including the incredible results in the ImmerseMe Games undertaken by our language students, the modelling of the Great Wall of China in Year 7 Embark, and the use of drones to assist learning in both Agriculture and HSIE. These, and a large number of other learning activities, are now available to catch up with through our social media channels.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Year 12 had their online parent / teacher / student interviews in Week 8 of last term. This was a valuable chance for parents and students to get feedback on their learning throughout Terms 1 and 2. The reaction from both staff and families, was that the technology worked well and the interviews ran smoothly throughout the evening. The College conducted the Year 9 and 10 interviews on the 30th July and are planning the Year 7 and 8 for Thursday 6th August between 3.30pm – 8.00pm.
Year 11 will be having their interviews early in Term 4, on a date yet to be determined. This has been set to coincide with the conclusion of the Year 11 course, as they begin their final HSC academic year.
We hope that you, your son, and your families had a well-earned break during the holidays. It has been a complicated and sometimes difficult semester of learning for our students.
Mr Borg Miss Day Mr Gerlach
Director of Curriculum Director of Diverse Learning Director of Teaching and Learning