Year 12 2021


Year 12 are well underway on their HSC journey. By now they have selected their 10 or 11 units they would like to take through to the completion of their final year of schooling. A number of their HSC assessments have begun or are coming up in the next 2 weeks. It is pleasing to see the maturity and diligence with which they have begun their HSC.


Year 10 – Post Camp Program


Year 10 have completed their final RoSA exams and have undergone the rigours of the Year 10 Camp. They returned this week to begin their preparations for Year 11, 2021. They had presentations on Senior Expectations, HSC marks and the ATAR, Goal Setting, Wellbeing and Social Justice. They will complete a full day preparing for the Peer Support program for next year, and conclude with an introduction to their English, Religious Education and Mathematics courses for 2021.


Year 7-10 Classes, 2021


Class construction has begun for our Year 7-10 classes for 2021. This includes the use of information gathered from our recent Progressive Achievement Tests in Reading and Mathematics, our Academic Report Data and DSE scores from 2020. The College aims to have classes and a timetable before the end of the year, so that our teaching staff can begin the process of getting to know the learning needs of the students in their classes for 2021.


COVID 2020


2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. It has been pleasing to note how the College was able to cope with the disruption and able to maintain the continuity of the learning for our students. The learning team is looking forward to 2021, and the challenges and opportunities this brings for the College and the education of our students.


Mr L Borg                                                 Miss M Day                                   Mr D Gerlach

Director of Curriculum                           Director of Diverse Learning       Director of Teaching and Learning