2022 has begun in as normal circumstances as possible for the Teaching and Learning Department at the College. With a small number of staff and students requiring isolation, the majority of the College were able to begin the year with face-to-face teaching as they embark on another year of learning. It has been a great start to the academic year.
With the COVID guidelines in place for the first 4 weeks, a number of our College events had to be held online. However, we were still able to meet and share important information about the College. This included a Year 7 welcome evening, Year 7 Canvas Parent Support, Year 12 Surviving the HSC, and the Year 10 introduction to the RoSA evening. These events are an important part of welcoming and informing parents about the expectations for their son in 2022.
Waterford Wednesday has also begun with a number of key Learning events. All of Year 7 to 12 have completed a goal setting activity. This was designed to help our students set some academic goals for 2022 and plan on how to get there. The College uses the principles of Visible Learning to assist the students with this, with 3 guiding questions being: Where am I going? How am I going? Where to next? The aim is for our students to set achievable and challenging goals and construct a plan on how to get there.
Year 12 have also had the opportunity to meet with our HSC High Achievers from 2021. After the High Achievers’ Assembly, Year 12 had an opportunity to ask questions of our recent Graduates in the HSC Symposium. This is an important part of the HSC Journey for Year 12, as they gain valuable advice from the ‘experts’ who have only just completed their journey. Notes were taken on the day by Ms Birkett and shared with Year 12 in a follow up Learning activity as part of Waterford Wednesday on realising your goals. Finally, Year 12 then finished with a “How to Study” workshop facilitated by Mr Kilbourne and the Year 12 Pastoral Team. They have had a thought-provoking start to Year 12 and will hopefully use this a springboard to start their final year at the College as prepared as they can be.
We hope the start to the year has been smooth for all our families. As always, if you have any concerns about your son’s learning please contact the College to discuss.
Stay safe and God bless.
Mr David Gerlach Director of Teaching and Learning
Mr Luke Borg Director of Curriculum |