Year 12 Graduation Day Returns
The College was able to celebrate the Year 12 Graduation Day with no restrictions as has been the case for the past two years. The College Farewell Assembly was a truly moving and emotional experience for all the graduating students and their significant number of families in attendance.
The speech by our Year 10 representative Nathanial Cant expressed his reflection of Year 12. Nathanial clearly articulated the sentiments of the entire College community about this engaging and respectful year group.
It was obvious that Mr Kilbourne has had a significant impact on the formation of these gentlemen. His heart felt speech and the way the students responded clearly articulated the respect they have for each other. Thank you, Mr Kilbourne for your compassion, enthusiasm and high expectations as this has helped mould these young men into gentlemen.
Our College Captain, Joshua Lewin was reflective, passionate and sincere in his acknowledgement of the teachers, parents and the Year 12 students. His genuine love of the College, his peers and his family was eloquently expressed and obvious to all whom were present. Joshua has continued in maintaining the integrity of the position and has been a most honourable and committed leader. A true ‘Dommies’ boy.
As part of my Graduation Speech, I relayed the following message to the graduating students:
To the fine young graduating gentlemen:
You made it. We made it. Today is a time to immerse yourself to the reality of the occasion.
So many emotions – happiness, joy, sadness, frustration, forgiveness, fulfillment, sense of satisfaction. Whatever the emotion, today is a time to reflect and appreciate the past six years as a student at St Dominic’s. It is quite an accomplishment.
As we reflect on these emotions and this special occasion, for the last time as Principal of this great College, I leave Year 12 with the words I leave all graduating students. It has become my mantra for you:
Being Male
Is a matter of birth,
Being a Man
Is a matter of age
Being a Gentleman
Is a matter of choice
Year 12 go forth in your journey being Gentleman, with Jesus by your side.
While we know St Dominic’s has been an important part of your life journey, it is now your time to create your own destiny.
But, as your travel along the path less travelled, remind yourself frequently of the follow:
- Always keep the values you have acquired from St Dominic’s in your heart
- always allow Jesus to be a companion along your journey
- always remain faithful to your beliefs
- always maintain the relationships you have formed at the College
- Do not be afraid to travel the path less travelled, be confident, be resilient, be brave.
It has been an honour and a pleasure to watch you grow into the young gentlemen that are here before me, today. You are my last St Dominic’s graduating class. This brings me great sadness as I have loved being your Principal.
I will miss you.
I will miss the bantar,
I will miss the interactions,
I will miss the stories and successes of your life journey. Remember to write sometimes.
I will miss your friendship
But now it is time to go forth Class of 2022, with pride and the acknowledgement that you are sons of St Dominic’s College.
Goodbye, God Bless and always live Jesus in your hearts, forever.
The recession of the students for the last time from a College assembly has become a highlight and a most memorable occasion with many tears of happiness being shared by not only the parents and family members but by the students themselves. This shows all the community how we touch the hearts of so many in the development of “our sons”. The Farewell Walk has become an important part of Graduation Day over the past two years. This tradition continued this year with the guard of honour organised on Oval 1 with parents able to see this from the new balcony of Block E. It was a great site especially when all Year 12 gathered at the end of the walk and recited the College war cry.
The Mass and Presentation of Awards evening was a beautiful occasion that was prayerful, liturgically excellent and a great celebration of all that is good at St Dominic’s. I would like to thank Father Gregory PP who celebrated the Eucharist for us. His words during his homily were encouraging especially as he reminded the students of their role, as gentlemen, within the Church as they move to the next stage of their journey.
The day was highly emotional for the students, parents and families and of course our dedicated staff. A special thank you to our parents for always being there for their son’s and for the constant support and loyalty you have provided the College. For many of the families your association with the College ends today. To you I say, thank you. Thank you for allowing us to help educate your son in the true St Dominic spirit. Thank you to everyone who made this day so special for our graduating class and for their families.
A Special thanks to the following staff members for their contribution to our Graduation Day. To Mr Jansz, Ms Shaw and the 2023 Student Leaders for their expertly prepared Graduation breakfast and for the support of the Graduation Mass; To Mr Wilson and Mrs Lawson for their contribution to the music and the great feel of the day. Your duet during the Ceremony of Light was amazing; To Miss Merriment for taking photos for the College to remember the occasion; To Mrs Michaleris for the amazing invitations, beautifully arranged graduation booklets; To Mr Henderson, Mr Browne, Mr Powell and Mr Ferrone for arranging, then re-arranging the Br Warner; To Ms Baluch and Ms Cook for their attention to detail with the presentation of awards; To Mr Hine and the sound crew for an expertly conducted production.
The celebration throughout the day was truly memorable. Special thanks to two significant staff members. Thank you to Mr Culican for his organisation and providing a sense of occasion for both the College Assembly and the College Mass. Your attention to detail is much appreciated. To Mrs Buchtmann and Mrs Michaleris who organised all the invitations, certificates, trophies, awards, roses and graduation booklet. Your ability to work as a team and keep all involved on task was appreciated. From the bottom of my heart. I thank you.
A day such as this needs a great master of ceremony. I would like to thank Mr Rafferty (for the Graduation Assembly and the Presentation of Awards) and for his professionalism in his presentation. Mr Rafferty has the ability to calmly bring all the elements together and do so in such a dignified manner. Thank you for your constant support of the College.
It is through the assistance of all the wonderful staff members and the entire College community that an event such as Graduation Day is able provide such a fitting conclusion to secondary education for our graduating students. A most dignified farewell to an outstanding group of gentlemen.
After a highly emotionally day I know that we are all looking forward to the HSC examinations. I am quietly confident we will have some outstanding results. Though you are almost there, keep studying and thanks for the memories.
On Wednesday, 24 August, Jeremy Baldacchino of Year 12 received the Bishop of Parramatta Award for Student Excellence at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta. The evening commences with Vespers followed by citations of all the recipients of this award. One student from every Catholic school in the dioceses is presented to the Bishop of Parramatta for his commitment to his academic, social justice and leadership development. We congratulate Jeremy on being the St Dominic’s College recipient of this prestigious award.
The month of September provided our students great opportunities to experience variety of activities. Please view many of these events through our College Website:
Year 12 Rite of Passage Liturgy – – St Dominic’s College, Penrith (
May we all continue to live life with hope.
Dominus Lux Mea
Mr Michael Ronchetti
St Dominic’s College Principal