Christ is Risen. Alleluia


In the first reading on Easter Sunday, a recount of the story of the witnesses who were first to the empty tomb:

“… yet three days afterwards God raised him to life and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand.  Now we are those witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead – and he has chosen us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive and dead.  It is to him that all the prophets bear witness: that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.” (Acts 10: 37 – 43)

As members of a Catholic community, we are now bound to be witnesses in everything we do.  In the witness of the apostles, and the faithfulness, courage and love of our fellow Christians, we too have powerful signs that Christ is risen and lives amongst us.  By living the gospel values we are invited to become these witnesses so that others can experience new life.  We need to move towards the light, towards new life rather than towards the emptiness of the tomb. So rejoice! Lent is over! He is Risen!

The 2018 Project Compassion collection has been extended so that we as a Catholic community can fulfil our ultimate goal of supporting over 700 children attend High School.  The ongoing support of the St Dominic’s community is much appreciated as we endeavour to demonstrate our compassion and care for those who require our support.  Please continue to give generously.

Performance reviews are part of many peoples lives.  One Wednesday and Thursday of this week, EREA will conduct my Summative Professional Performance Review.  This review occurs during the first term of the fifth year of a Principal’s appointment.  Yes, this will be my fifth year at St Dominic’s College.  How quickly has time gone? Staff and parents will be invited to be interviewed as part of the review.  I would like to thank all those partaking in this review.  It is much appreciated.

As Year 12 commence their Semester One Examinations, please pray the St Dominic Savio prayer with the entire College community so that St Dominic can guide them and provide inspiration as he found inspiration in his own studies. 

Dominus Mea

Let Your Light Shine

Mr M. Ronchetti

College Principal





















The Term 1 Diligent and Sustained Effort reports are being finalised over the next fortnight.  These reports provide a guide for parents in the current application, by their son’s, to his learning.  These will be posted at the end of the term.  I would encourage all parents to continue in their encouragement of their son’s learning by reviewing the report together, and revising their Term 1 goals for Term 2.  The diary has a section for these goals to be revised.



Dominus Mea

Let Your Light Shine



Mr M Ronchetti

College Principal