St Dominic’s College –
a transparent learning environment

In 2018 we have improved our range of communications by reducing the number of channels and providing you with relevant and detailed information in regards to your son.


  • News: Providing the College community with a 24/7 real-time news service that has all the details and contacts you require.
  • Social Media: Our news will be streamed to the many platforms that you use everyday including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Newsletters: Our newsletters will now be monthly and provide a detailed review of College life each edition. Our College Principal will continue to communicate with the College community via – College Principal Address.
  • MySDC: Our own College Portal provides the entire community with all services we offer
  • Skoolbag: This APP is no longer used by the College, all news and notices will be delivered via our website and consequently our Social Media Feeds (Facebook/Twitter).


  • Canvas: Using your son’s credentials you can access all his classes, lessons, assignments, results and teacher feedback. Your are also asked to download the “Canvas Parent” APP via iTunes/Googleplay (search “Canvas by Instructure).
  • Absentee Notes: Using this form you can easily report the reasons for your son’s absence (this will work as per the previously used Skoolbag APP).
  • Change of Details: Using this form you can easily report any changes to your contact details (this will work as per the previously used Skoolbag APP).
  • More features include: Access to our Edmund Rice Learning Centre, Canteen, Uniform Shop, BYOD Store, Paying Fees and much more – My SDC