“The remarkable thing we have is a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”
Charles Swindoll (Christian Pastor, Author and Educator)
As we approach the end of another month, we reflect on the wonderful experiences and happenings here at the College. We began the month with the Term 2 Co-Curricular Assembly on Wednesday 4th July. It is during this assembly that we acknowledged the successes of both the Rugby League and Football teams and other Term 3 co-curricular activities. The College invited two current Penrith Rugby League players, Dallin Watene-Zelezniak and Tyrone May to assist with the presentation of medallions and certificates, see the article here. They were expertly interviewed by the College Captain, Trent Weir, in an open forum to discuss the value of education. Their candid responses were well received by the community and I would like to thank, both Dallin and Tyrone publicly for their inspired words and their ongoing commitment to supporting the youth of the Penrith region, especially St Dominic’s.
In my address to the community at the assembly, I noted that becoming successful in sport was not the result of the latest equipment or training techniques but rather there are certain personal qualities that help athletes develop their skills. It is really like ABCD:
Attitude – belief that you can do it and remaining positive.
Behaviour – ensuring you remain committed to your goal, being respectful to coaches and rules.
Commitment – training, improving your skills that require time and effort; the rehearsing or continual repetition of developing the skill, takes time and effort.
Dedication – healthy lifestyle and remaining dedicated to your goal especially during those difficult times.
Being a learner is like being an athlete. Students need to follow the ABCD to develop our skills:
Without a positive attitude, ensuring our behaviour is respectful to self and others while seeking self-discipline, being committed to developing skills and dedicated to the cause, we, as learners, cannot achieve our true potential. This potential remains bottled up, hidden from all, including ourselves. All these qualities are what is required for you, as an individual, as a learner, as an athlete, as you pursue excellence in your own lives. It is through exercising the body, the mind, the spirit, and seeking God’s guidance that we will become better at what we do. As we commence Term 3, unleash your potential.
Special thanks to all our teachers who support the co-curricular program. Without the dedication and commitment by our wonderful staff many of these opportunities would not be possible. A heart felt thank you to all the staff of St Dominic’s College.
The Semester One reports were posted to all students from Y7 – Y12. I hope that parents have commenced a dialogue with their sons to how best approach the new term and reviewing their goals so that they are continuously challenged throughout the remainder of the year. From the reports there are numerous success stories from students maintaining a DSE score above 90%, to students who have demonstrated a significant improvement in their DSE score, to students who have received 100% in the DSE score. All students who have shown an improvement should be congratulated for their commitment to their learning. Special congratulations to all the students who received 100% in their DSE score especially the nine Y12 students who have shown a distinct willingness to do their best.
Y7 Jose Corico (Tench) and Nicholas Papapavlou (Dharuk)
Y8 Noah Clifford (Rice), Ritish Sethi (Dharuk) and Harry Hicks (Rice)
Y9 Flynn Cole (Dharuk), Shivam Kapoor (Rice), Anthony Manoukian (Dharuk), Dylan Wilson (Surawski) and Harley Choice (Tench)
Y10 Cooper Hill (Surawski) and Bhawanjot Dhillon (Dharuk)
Y11 Benjamin Xiberras (Dharuk), Keegan Brady (Tench), James Cox (Tench) and Lachlan Camilleri (Surawski)
Y12 Damian De Oliva (Tench), Jacob John (Surawski), Trent Weir (Rice), Nicholas Thornton (Dharuk), Ahmed Khan (Surawski), Richmond Toh (Surawski), Mark Rizk (Tench), Matthew King (Rice) and Connor Kennedy (Tench)
The Y7 Debating went into the semi-final debate on Friday 27th July confident that they could emulate the successes of the Y11 team from 2016. Unfortunately, in a very close debate, they were defeated by Brigidine College, Randwick. The team of Jose Corcio, Nicholas Papapavlou and Caleb Fayers were outstanding and represented the College with great distinction. Thanks to Mrs Kennett for coaching these fine young men and to Mrs Fogliani for her organisation of debating in 2018.
The 2019 Prefect process has commenced with 34 students nominating for the important position of College Prefect. This is a position of honour, therefore, the process involves a number of components before the final group of prefects is elected. Over the course of the next two weeks, significant discussion and voting will occur to select the most appropriate leaders for 2019.
Please keep our Y12 students in your prayers as they prepare for the Trial HSC Examinations commencing Monday 6th August and concluding Monday 20th August. These significant examinations will provide the students with a clear guide in preparing for the HSC Examinations in Term 4. As a community, may we pray the following prayer to support our Y12 students.
Prayer for Preparation to Study
Lord, I know you are with me and love me.
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes,
keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use
of this time that is available to me.
Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying ,
and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way
that they honour you and do justice to myself. Amen
Dominus Mea
Let Your Light Shine
Mr M. Ronchetti
College Principal