Cooper Hill (Year 10) engaging in the University of Technology Sydney ‘Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience’ for Indigenous students. The UTS program delivers an opportunity for students to experience tertiary education and explore concepts of design and construction.
During the holidays, I engaged in the ‘Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience’ at UTS. This is an experience that the University holds for Indigenous students across Australia to discover the opportunities a degree in Engineering or IT may provide. The word ‘Galuwa’ is from the Indigenous Gadigal language meaning ‘to climb’. The program encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to reach their potential. Over the five days, we immersed ourselves in a variety of activities from building prosthetic limbs; viewing the Universities onsite facilities; seeing the alternate pathways for Indigenous students into University; and exploring the city to see what Engineers have built, designed and constructed. When I applied, I was hoping to see what university is really like and if my interest in Mathematics, Physics and Mobile-App Development could lead me into a career; the experience was most definitely worthwhile. I was able to see the vast number of careers that were available. I was able to network with other students who are completing courses in Engineering and IT and I even spoke to some of the students in our group from Years 11 and 12 about their subject selection choices to see what they are truly like. It was amazing to see these extremely hard-working Indigenous students, staff, and guest speakers inspire and lead as role models for the community.
Cooper Hill (Year 10)