Tuesday 4th September, 2018, commencing 7.00pm.
All members of the College community are welcome and encouraged to attend our Term 3 Focus meeting.
Our informal meetings include the opportunity to hear from Michael Ronchetti, Principal and Barry Walsh, Deputy Principal, information on upcoming events and activities and requests from parents to discuss any issues regarding your son followed by open discussion.
This is a perfect opportunity to find out what is coming up in your son’s education and have the opportunity ask any questions you may have. The P&F provides a forum for discussion of educational and College issues in an informal setting. These forums are productive and a positive way for information, and sometimes concerns, to be shared and discussed.
Below is also some information on Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts who is speaking at Corpus Christi – Monday 27 August;
Meetings are held once a term in the Edmund Rice Learning Centre and commence at 7.00pm sharp. Light supper is served.
Looking forward to meeting you on 4th September.
For further enquiries please contact fcampbell@stdominics.nsw.edu.au
Upcoming meeting dates :
TERM 4: Monday 12th November, 2018