On the 22nd of August, all the Year 7 cohort attended a day at Taronga Zoo for their Identification and Classification assessment. The aim of this was to allow students to be fully engaged with the task and to develop their data collection skills.
Prior to departure, students were well equipped with their learning material and clipboards and excited for the fun day ahead with their peers. Upon arrival, students attended the seal show and we even had one of our students’ volunteer and chosen by the zoo keeper to engage in the seal show.
Shortly after the seal show, students observed many of the animals and were collaborating to identify key features of each animal and explain how these animals adapt in their environments. All students were actively engaged by asking their teachers and zoo keepers questions and displayed excellent team work skills.
Students were prompt with their meeting time at the end of the day and had many photos to share with their peers of what they observed at the zoo. Students will be using the data collected from the excursion for their Part B of their Science assessment.