The College community gathered this morning to bring awareness and drive the importance of Movember and White Ribbon Day.
Walk Against Domestic Violence – Sunday 24 November at 9am
Join via CANVAS
St Dominic’s College will be once again joining Penrith City Council in their Walk Against Domestic Violence.
It begins at The River Road Reserve at 9 am and finishes at Tench Reserve.
At St Dominic’s College, we are advocates in raising awareness of violence against women, encouraging our students to understand the true meaning of respect and the importance of being a gentleman, as such, a GENTLE MAN.
We are calling on all students and staff to join us in the Walk Against Domestic Violence this Sunday, 24 November.
The College has wholeheartedly thrown its support behind Movember to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.
Students and teachers are banding together to help raise funds and awareness. Helping men live happier, healthier and longer lives, one Wispy Mo at a time.
Help us exceed our target of $10,000 by donating to Movember. Click on the link below to donate.
Congratulations to Anthony Farrell, College Prefect, who so far, has raised $3,810 for Movember. Anthony leads the tally board for individual student contributions. St Dominic’s College is currently sitting at second place for highest funds raised by a school.
Congratulations to all staff and students for helping St Dominic’s College realise such an outstanding target.