Dear members of the St Dominic’s College community,
As per my communication from Friday 13 March, we are in unchartered waters and the COVID-19 situation is continually evolving. In response to the federal government decision regarding social distancing and the gathering of large communities, the College along with the MCS association have decided upon the following:
- MCS swimming carnival scheduled for 18 March has been cancelled
- MCS U12 – U15 Tennis scheduled for 19 March has been cancelled
- MCS U15 & U18 Rugby League rep trials scheduled for 19 March has been postponed
- MCS Soccer Rounds 1 – 3 of competition scheduled for weeks 8 – 10 has been cancelled for this term, including the Opens rep trials
- MCS Rugby League Rounds 1 – 2 of competition scheduled for weeks 9 – 10 has been cancelled for this term
- Y7/8 AFL All Schools Cup
Considering these decisions the College has therefore suspended all MCS training until further notice.
The College has also decided that all non-essential activities e.g. excursions and incursions, will be reviewed, postponed or cancelled for the remainder of the Term. Some of these events include:
- All College Assemblies for the term have been cancelled
- All cohort assessment tasks will be conducted in individual classrooms
- Y11 Construction White Card training postponed
- Y11 Geography Field trip postponed
- Vinnies Van evening shift
- External Music tutors for the term have been cancelled
- Harmony Day activities will be modified this week
- The SDC Cross Country scheduled for 25 March will be postponed
- The EREA Football tour to Adelaide has been cancelled
- Japanese Cultural Tour has been postponed until September
Additional to the above cancellations or postponements, the College’s Thursday afternoon Sports program has been cancelled for the remainder of term. Two additional lessons will be scheduled for the afternoon periods. Students will be notified through canvas as to which lessons will be conducted. Normal Sports Uniform may still be worn on Thursdays, with the conclusion of the day remaining at 2:35 p.m.
Currently, the Year 12 Assessment block and normal classes will continue as scheduled. However, there may need to be changes pending decisions made by federal and state governments and/or associated authorities. Students are required to maintain their vigilance in reading notifications within canvas messages with regards to cancellations or postponements including daily changes to their scheduled timetables.
A reminder to the entire community to maintain healthy hygiene practices. Students who have flu-like symptoms must remain at home until their condition improves. Self-isolation guidelines must be adhered to in response to the federal government expectations. If a student is returning from an overseas trip, they must adhere to self-isolation. If a member of their family has recently returned from overseas, please contact the College for further guidance.
All students have been communicated tonight via canvas announcement, with a similar outline of cancellations and postponements.
These decisions to cancel or postpone have not been taken lightly, but as a College we must ensure the safety of staff and students. The College is guided by relevant authorities and will keep our community updated as the information becomes available to us.
If you have any questions surrounding any of the information above please contact the college.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Michael Ronchetti
College Principal