The HSC examinations are scheduled to commence a little later this year than in previous years. Consequently, there is a significant period of time between the graduation and the commencement of the examinations.
To further support our Year 12 students in preparation for their HSC examinations, the College has scheduled HSC Seminars during Week 1 of Term 4. The seminars are in addition to any of the planned subject-specific holiday workshops which have become common practice here at the College. Furthermore, the seminars will provide students the opportunity to access support and seek feedback from their teachers. Although these seminars are not compulsory, they are highly recommended for all students. In addition, students are welcome to utilise the Edmund Rice Learning Centre for individual or group study during Week 1 of Term 4 if they so wish.
In recognising their status as graduates of the College, HSC students will be permitted on site in appropriate casual clothing for the seminars and study, however in all cases students must sign in and out at the Front Office. From here they will be informed of the location for their seminar.
Please see below schedule for Week 1 of Term 4 2020.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at the College via email – or phone (02) 8415 9122 if you require further information.
Mr L. Borg – Director of Curriculum