The month of November is a significant month in the Catholic calendar as we celebrate, pray and commemorate All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Our College theme this year
has been about being a voice for others. Like the saints, we too must be encouraged to seek these opportunities to be the voice for the voiceless and advocate for their needs. Our Social Justice program is a good means to be able to fulfil this encouragement and be a voice for the marginalised.
All Souls’ Day is also an important day as the Christian community remembers all the faithful departed, especially those who were close to us. The faithful departed are constant in our prayers throughout the year but are especially commemorated on this day. I pray that all our families were able to spend some reflective time in remembrance of those who are no longer with us especially those who have departed this world in 2020.
The end of November marks the end of the current liturgical calendar. It also indicates and marks the beginning of Advent leading into Christmas. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve (Dec 24). The season of Advent is a time for hope and anticipation.
The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power.
Colours are extremely symbolic during this Advent period. The purple colour associated with Advent is also the colour of penance. The faithful should fast during the first two weeks in particular and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The colour of the Third Sunday of Advent is rose. This colour symbolizes joy and represents the happiness we will experience when Jesus comes again.
The Third Sunday is a day of anticipatory celebration. It is formerly called “Gaudete” Sunday; Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin.
Finally, Sundays during Advent, just as during Lent, should not be given to fasting, but instead to celebration because we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord every Sunday. It is important to remember, however, there are no particular rules for how the laity should observe Advent.
During this Advent season I hope and pray that you and your family find an opportunity to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ.
As a College, November unites us on many different levels. Our Movember campaign addresses Men’s health and our fight against domestic violence especially against women. Our College Prefects have been instrumental in the promotion of this campaign and have been outstanding in making the College aware of both social issues.
Our White Ribbon Assembly – “Stand Up and Speak Out” was a great acknowledgement of our commitment as a College community to stand up and speak out against domestic violence. The message from our teachers and students was inspiring. I pray that we as a community continue to be the voices for victims of domestic violence thus making for a better world. Special thanks to Mrs Birkett, Ms Powell, Ms Knowles, Mrs Fogliani and Mrs Waygood for their organisation of the assembly and sharing the message of stand up and speak out. Movember has once again been an outstanding success with approximately $10,000 raised for men’s health. The Movember initiatives, especially the growing of moustaches, have been remarkable with both staff and students involving themselves passionately throughout the month. Thank you to Mr Jansz, Mr McKay, Mr Zammit, Mr D’Souza, Mr Cummins and Mr Churchill for their encouragement and acknowledgement of a significant male issue.
Our annual ceremony commemorating Rememberance Day provided our community the opportunity to reflect on the impact of wars and those who endured the suffering of war. I would like to thank Mr Rawding, for leading our commemoration of Remembrance Day. The sounding of the reveille (trumpet in the morning) across the College, speakers provided a great setting for all the College as we reflected on those who have fallen and the significance of the day. We as a Catholic community have the responsibility of pursuing peace in all that we do so that we build a better world for all. As we reflect on the implications of the day for a modern world, let us always remind ourselves of the role we currently play in being the peacemakers today and for future generations.
The College building project has commenced with the temporary fence erected on the perimeter of the construction site. The demolition of the Copeland Street bus shelter will commence later this week with the heavy machinery and excavation works to be completed within the school holidays. This is an exciting time for the College and I look forward to keeping the community updated with our progress.
The Year 7 2021 Orientation Day was an outstanding success with all the 2021 students enjoying their day at the College. Though the day was modified to meet the COVID-19 restrictions, our future students were able to engage in some learning activities and learn more about the history of the College. I would like to congratulate our newly elected College Prefects and members of our SRC who supported the boys throughout the day. One of the highlights for me was the Q & A led by the College Captain and the 2021 College student leaders. We look forward to formally welcoming the students in 2021.
Over the first three weeks of November, Year 10 were engaged in a stressful assessment period, the joyful and rewarding camp and then the excitement of finishing their junior years and preparing for their senior years in the Post-Camp program. We also farewelled a number of students who are pursuing either alternative education, apprenticeships or full-time employment.
Regardless of where their journey takes them, they were reminded to always try to be the best person they can possibly be and know they will always remain members of our College. A Dommies boy. Farewell and good luck to all our departing students. To all ours sons returning, rest well and enjoy your break as 2021 will bring new challenges and opportunities as you continue your journey while wearing the senior white shirt.
The Y12 College Formal was an outstanding success especially considering the possibility for a good part of the year that the formal would not proceed. Thanks to determination of all the staff, we maintained our commitment and support for the graduating class. It was a great night and a great way to farewell the students and their partners. I would like to thank Mr Levy, Mrs Torpy, Mrs Fogliani, Miss Quinlivan and Ms Powell for all their efforts in ensuring this event did proceed. It was a wonderful evening, enjoyed by all those who attended.
Another victim of 2020 was the annual Father and Sons Bowls night. Unfortunately, this fantastic evening was not able to proceed this year, but I look forward to meeting our 2022 families at this annual event.
Could parents please attend to overdue school fees as soon as possible. Whilst many families have contacted the College Fees Office, a number of families are yet to do so. There are numerous ways in which you can pay your fees and these have been highlighted in previous newsletters and also appear on the back of your invoices. Families who are having difficulties with their school fees can simply contact the College to discuss any financial problems that may have arisen and make arrangements that they can commit to. The College has a very clear process to follow for any families who may be encountering some financial hardship. I ask that you contact either Ms Powell or myself to discuss your fees should you be unable to finalise your account.
Dominus Mea
Let Your Light Shine
Mr Michael Ronchetti
College Principal