Before we sign off for another year, I would like to share with the community the season of Advent and a Christmas message.
The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. Advent also symbolises the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power.
Colours are extremely symbolic during this Advent period. The purple colour associated with Advent is also the colour of penance. The faithful should fast during the first two weeks in particular and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The colour of the Third Sunday of Advent is rose. This colour symbolises joy and represents the happiness we will experience when Jesus comes again.
The Third Sunday is a day of anticipatory celebration. It is formerly called “Gaudete” Sunday; Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin.
Finally, Sundays during Advent, just as during Lent, should not be given to fasting, but instead to celebration because we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord every Sunday. It is important to remember, however, there are no particular rules for how the laity should observe Advent.
During this Advent season I hope and pray that you and your family find an opportunity to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Christmas season always encourages joy and happiness. This year, like last year, the good will of the season is needed more than ever. The season continually reminds me that this festive season is not always a reality for all of our community especially the lonely, the marginalised, the poor, the homeless. I do hope that through our prayers and love, all people across the world, receive a little of the blessings of Christmas. May we all receive the greatest gift this Christmas, the gift of Christ’s love for all of us. Perhaps we can set a place for Him at our Christmas table as we celebrate his birth.
I BELIEVE that Christmas is more than a time for parties and ornaments; it is a time for remembering Christ and the i
ncarnation of God’s love in human flesh.
I BELIEVE there are gifts more important than the ones under the Christmas tree, the things we teach our children, the way we share ourselves with friends, and the industry with which we set about reshaping the world in our time.
I BELIEVE that the finest carols are often sung by the poorest voices; from hearts made warm by the wonder of the season.
I BELIEVE in the angel’s message that we should not be afraid—that the Child of Bethlehem is able to overcome all anxieties and insecurities.
I BELIEVE in prayer and quietness as a way of appropriating Christmas—that if I wait in silence I will experience the presence of the one born in the manger, for he lives today as surely as he lived then.
I BELIEVE in going away from Christmas as the wise men went: “another way.” I want to be different when these days are past—more centred, more thoughtful, more caring.
And I believe God will help me. Amen
Building Project Update
I would like to bring the community up to speed with our building project.
Stage 1 of the College building project, E Block, is almost complete with the proposed hand over to occur late December. This means that students will return in 2022 with the knowledge that the new facilities will be available for them to use. These facilities include:
- Fully equipped gym
- Two new change rooms
- Lecture Theatre (retractable seating for 220 people)
- Music rooms
- Music performance space
- 4 general classrooms
- PE store room
These contemporary facilities will provide the next generation of St Dominic’s students no reason not to excel in their personal success.
Stage 2 of our building project commences late December and will have a significant impact on the College for the first 6 months of 2022. This stage will bring significant changes for the school initially such as:
- A different entrance to the College from Gascoigne Street
- Drop off and pick up will no longer be available
- Limited parking along Gascoigne Street because of the construction.
This is an exciting time for the College and I look forward to keeping the community updated with our progress and the impact as we prepare for the first day in 2022.
Year 7 2022 Orientation Day
The Year 7 2022 Orientation Day was an outstanding success with all the 2022 students enjoying their day at the College. Though the day was modified to meet the COVID-19 restrictions, our future students were able to engage in learning activities and learn more about the College life as they prepare for 2022. I would like to congratulate our newly elected College Prefects and members of our SRC who supported the boys throughout the day. One of the highlights for me was once again the Q & A led by the 2022 College student leaders. We look forward to formally welcoming the students in 2022.
Year 12 Graduation Mass
This event was also an outstanding success. After all the hurdles of the lockdown restrictions, we were finally able to acknowledge the Graduating class of 2021 and welcomed their parents and families onsite. The College was able to respectfully honour the Class of 2021 in a modified but dignified manner. It has been an extremely difficult year for our Year 12 students but our farewell walk was amazing and a fitting finale for our students. I wish all the students every success in their future endeavours.
Please click here to view our Year 12 Graduation Mass Post
The Annual Awards Presentation
This was another significant day that acknowledged and celebrated the award recipients for 2021. Though it had been a very challenging year, it was pleasing to see so many young men being acknowledged for either their academic achievement, their sporting achievement, their social justice involvement or other co curricula achievements. Over 600 students were recognised for their achievements in the variety of areas at these presentations. I encourage all our students to strive to do their personal best in 2022 and hopefully we will have even more students recognised for their achievements at the 2022 Annual Awards presentations.
Please click here to view all details regarding our 2021 Annual Awards.
Farewell and Thank You
At the Annual Awards Presentations I notified all the students of the departure of a number of staff members. I would like to take this opportunity to farewell and thank the following staff members:
Mr Toni Thompson who has been a member of the College for the past 30 years has decided to retire from teacher and take up a more leisurely life on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria.
Mrs Sue Dissanayake one of the hidden treasures of our community has also decided to retire after 19 years at the College. Mrs Dissanayake has been the College Science Lab Assistant throughout this time and has been instrumental in supporting our Science Department.
Miss Monica Day, the Director of Diverse Learning has accepted a position at St Edmund’s Canberra and the Assistant Principal of Pastoral Care. Miss Day has been a member of the College for the past 13 years. She spent the first ten years at the Savio Education Centre, where she cared for students who were not suited to mainstream schooling. Her generosity, care, love and dedication to these students was remarkable. She continued with the same commitment when I asked her to coordinate the Diverse Centre here at the College. Miss Day has been inspirational in supporting not only the students and their families, but also all the teachers who rely on her expertise in working with students and their learning needs.
This year Miss Day took up the mantle as the Acting Director of Pastoral Care. Once again, she was able to transfer all her experiences to successfully meet the demands of the role.
Miss Day has thrived in the position and as a result another school in the EREA network, St Edmund College, Canberra, would like her to join their school in 2022. Thank you Miss Day for everything your have done for St Dominic’s College. May God protect and guide you at St Edmund’s.
Miss Lui and Miss Hoang have accepted teaching positions at other schools and will also be farewelling St Dominic’s College. Though their time with us has been short, they have made a significant impact with our students and the teaching staff.
We wish all those who are leaving or have left throughout the year every success in future endeavours. May peace, happiness and prosperity follow them into the future.
Thank you Mr Jansz
I would like to take this time to thank and acknowledge Mr Jansz who graciously accepted the Acting Deputy role late last year and has fulfilled his responsibilities with great dignity and integrity. He has been a pillar of support for me and the College throughout a most challenging year. I would like to sincerely thank Mr Jansz for all he does for the community of St Dominic’s. It is greatly appreciated by everyone.
College Leadership Team
Principal | Mr M. Ronchetti | |||
Acting Deputy Principal | Mr A. Rafferty | |||
Director of Business Services | Ms J. Powell | |||
Director of Pastoral Care | Mr B. Jansz | |||
Director of Identity | Mr Z. Culican | |||
Director of Administration | Mr B. Godsell | |||
Director of Teaching and Learning | Mr D. Gerlach | |||
Director of Curriculum | Mr L. Borg |
Pastoral Coordinators
Year 7 | Ms J. Knowles | |||
Year 8 | Mr R. Peake | |||
Year 9 | Mrs N. Shankar | |||
Year 10 | Mr M. Turner | |||
Year 11 | Ms T. Shaw | |||
Year 12 | Mr J. Kilbourne |
House Coordinators
Dharuk | Mrs M. Waygood | |||
Rice | Mr B. Cummins | |||
Surawski | Mr S. Kennedy-Gould | |||
Tench | Mr J.Hall |
Faculty | Coordinators | Assistant |
Religious Education | Mr C. Hicks | |
Mathematics | Mr C. Meek | Mr B. Ahern |
English | Mr P. Magee | Mrs C. McSweeney |
TAS | Mr T. Easterbrook | Mr H. Tsahtarlis |
VET | Mr H. Tsahtarlis | |
Science | Mrs F. Edwards | Ms D. Lister |
HSIE | Mr B. Rawding | |
HSIE II | Mr J. McKay | |
Languages | Mrs S. Baluch | |
PDHPE | Mr D. Mackinnon | |
Creative Arts | Mr S. Lewis | |
Music | Mr C. Wilson | |
Sport | Mr K. Churchill | |
Internal Sport | Miss C. Cook | |
Career’s Advisor | Mrs D. Rimmer | |
ERLC | Mrs R. Liepa | |
Digital and Innovation | Mrs J. Walsh | |
Literacy Support | Mrs S. Baluch | |
Literacy Support | Miss A. Quinlivan | |
Wellbeing | Mrs B. Birkett | |
Acting Social Justice Outreach | Mr J. Bourke | |
Diverse Learning | Mrs P. Dalton | |
Gifted Teacher | Miss D. Lister | |
iStem Program Facilitator | Mr N. Zammit |
After a very challenging year, I would like to wish all our community a holy and joyful Christmas and may 2022 be filled will love, peace and happiness. Keep safe and healthy over the summer break and I look forward to welcoming all our community back in 2022.
Dominus Mea
Let Your Light Shine
Mr M. Ronchetti – College Principal