Return and Earn – Term 3 Report
This year our college theme is ‘live life with hope’ and keeping this theme in mind, the student body have proposed solutions to sustainability issues in the school and started a student group focused on sustainability. This group has been called ‘The Dom’s Echo Group’, and their first task was to implement and run the return and earn program in the school.
We have been very impressed with the growth of this program and the large number of volunteers giving up their time both during and outside of school hours. We have been very happy with the Echo group as they work towards new projects in sustainability.
This term we have recycled over 2000 cans and bottles that would have otherwise gone to landfill. Another very positive point to make is just over 80% of material going into the return and earn bins have been recyclable material, showing our whole school community has taken up the cause for a better brighter world with much enthusiasm. This term we have raised $200 for charities in our local community. These charities are St Vincent De Paul, The Red Cross, Cancer Council, and Beyond Blue.
Thank you to the Echo group members; Kevin Anand, Rishan Buksh, Nathaniel Cant, Jose Corcio, Oliver Hunt, Frederick Schroeder, Daniel Richardson, Kennedy Storr, Logan Wilson, Axzel Yuque, Mitchell Brown, Baden Gerlach, Lachlan Turner, Riley Fahey, James Enman, Muqeet Nisar, Balav Silwal, Dreisson Nugroho, Matthew Hamilton, Joshua King, Matthew Hamilton, Sanjay Siram, the additional volunteers each week and their parents for supporting their kids as they plan a better future and world.