What’s Right With the World?
Best Landscape Photograph

Taylor Latham


Best Fauna Photograph

James Gunter


College Principal Photography Appreciation Award

Sanjay Siram



Leo Finianos


Highly Commended Award

Kye Visanich

Jack Bullock

Jackson Camilleri

Sonny Maviglia

Davor Franich

William Baldacchino

Liam Payroux

Daniel McAdam

Welcome to the St Dominic’s Virtual Art Gallery for Semester Two 2021, currently showcasing student photographs.
Year 8 students were tasked with “Celebrating What’s Right with the World”, which they have all done in their own unique way. We think you’ll agree – It’s a spectacular collection of work by our students.
Please take the virtual tour by pressing the play button once in the virtual space.
Click here to visit the St Dominic’s College Virtual Art Gallery: