After 10 weeks of engaging in learning, assessments, liturgies, excursions, camps, MCS winter sports and many cocurricula activities, the term has concluded with our first ever musical. Throughout the term the Lord’s light has shone for all to see as our gifted students have been able to express themselves in the frantic nature of a school term.
The Easter period concluded during June with the celebration of The Ascension of our Lord, Pentecost Sunday, The Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Body and Body of Christ (Corpus Christi) returning to ordinary time over the past two weeks. During this period in the Church calendar, the Holy Spirit is our advocate. Allow the Spirit, room in our lives so that we can renew our HOPE, as we seek happiness and peace.
“His Holy Spirit has unlocked the doors of heaven.”
As a community of the Church, we are the new messengers, encouraged to welcome all to our Church. Moved by the Spirit, all will know we are Christians by our love and forgiveness, as it is through our living that we bring new life. The relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is unique and as Christians we need to discover the wonders that God, through his Son and the work of the Spirit provides us in our daily lives. Through our partaking in the Eucharist, God commissions us to share with others, the spiritual nourishment that will all seek. As we are called to discipleship, we are encouraged to promote, express, share and live the Spirit with all whom we encounter. The Spirit needs to be visible in our lives.
Farewell and Thank You
As we conclude the term, I would like to acknowledge two staff members who are leaving St Dominic’s to further their vocation as teachers. Mrs Pritchett has been part of the College since 2009. During this time she has been responsible for a number of areas within the College such as Assistant Sports Coordinator, House Coordinator, LOTE Coordinator and most recently, Year 9 Pastoral Coordinator. It has been her extraordinary commitment to LOTE, in particular, her passion for Japanese that Mrs Pritchett will be remembered by so many young men and the community. Thank you for broadening our horizons in our appreciation of other cultures. Mrs Kennett will also be leaving the College at the end of the term. She has been a member of the Visual Art and TAS departments for the past two years. Mrs Kennett will be returning to full time study for the remainder of 2019. We thank both Mrs Pritchett and Mrs Kennett for their contribution to the College and wish them ever success in their future endeavours. Dominus Lux Mea.
Popstars the 90’s Musical
Over the past six years it has been a dream of mine to host a musical at the College. To my surprise St Dominic’s with its long tradition, especially in music, have never performed a musical. My sentiments were also shared by Mr Wilson, the Music Coordinator. Therefore, with our 60th year anniversary looming, it was appropriate that we perform our first musical in 2019. ‘Popstars – The 90’s Musical’ began its journey within St Dominic’s and our partner school Caroline Chisholm at the beginning of 2018.
The musical journey came to a crescendo this week as all the rehearsals were finalised and the performers entertained both communities during the three shows. The energy and excitement obvious in all the performers, band members and staff was electrifying. The quality of the music, choreography, acting and singing was nothing but excellent. The staging, lighting and sound was first class.
The final product was extraordinary and something that all involved should be extremely proud. As Principal, I cannot express how grateful and honoured I am to be able to provide this opportunity for our students and our staff to exhibit the wonderful talent that exists here at St Dominic’s. I need to also thank and congratulate Mr Elliot and the Caroline Chisholm staff for their outstanding contribution to this celebration of creative talent. Hopefully, this excitement continues as we prepare for our next musical venture in 2021.
June enlightens not only our fireplace or central heating but it also signifies the conclusion of our semester one assessment period and therefore our reports. With CANVAS providing parents with ongoing feedback about their son’s assessment continuum, now more than every each family can have continual dialogue where to next for their son’s learning. From the feedback provided by staff, students and parents are encouraged to discuss what needs to be enacted to ensure that each student continues to learn from their previous experiences. The Semester One Report is a reflection of this ongoing review and learning from each student. Please view this information as a means of seeking ways in which to continually improve, no matter at what level our sons are currently performing. Continual improvement is what we are seeking.
Y12 Seminar and Support Mentoring Program
Our HSC intervention program with the Y12 Seminar and Support Mentoring Program have commenced and continue every Thursday afternoon during sport throughout Term 3. These seminars and mentoring sessions will focus on developing our students writing so that they are better prepared for, not only the upcoming trials but also for the HSC proper commencing in October. This Thursday, the afternoon program is compulsory for all students. A letter was sent home outlining the details and the expectations for students.
Year 12 are approaching a significant time in their final year with four weeks left until the Trial HSC Examinations. Though the next two weeks are titled ‘holiday’ for Year 12 students it is a crucial time with significant study time required to ensure success. Designing and implementing a study timetable is so important so that students remain on task and prepared for their Trial HSC Examinations. I pray that all students use this time wisely as they continue along their learning journey.
June Highlights
There have been numerous highlights throughout June with some key events such as:
- Year 9 Camp
- Year 12 Social Day with Caroline Chisholm
- Surawski Blue Day
- Backyard Sleep Out
- Night Garden
- Relay for Life
- NRL Schoolboy Cup matches
Without the generosity of the St Dominic’s staff these events would not be possible. On behalf of the community I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported our co-curricular program throughout Term 2.
The MCS Winter Season has concluded with some success. Unfortunately, this was our only title but there were some notable success stories:
- Congratulations to the 8B Football, Mr Borg (coach), Mrs Monteleone (manager) for successfully winning their second MCS title in two years.
- B Grade Rugby League coach by Mr Peake and managed by Mr Levy for their MCS premiership
- Year 9 Football MCS runner-up
- Year 10 Football MCS runner-up
- U13A Rugby League Grand finalists
- A and B Grade Football semi-finalists
- Year 9 and 10 Touch team runners up at the All School Touch Championships
I am exceptionally proud of all our sportsmen for their contribution to the sporting domain of the College. I would like to make special note of the Year 9 and Year 10 Football Teams as I had the privilege to watch them play in the Grad Final. Though they did not win, they played exceptionally well and demonstrated great team and school spirit. Their narrow defeats were compensated, a little, by their outstanding attitude and sportsmanship. A credit to the College. Thanks to Mr Meek (Year 10 Coach), Miss Lans (Year 10 Manager), Mr Gerlach (Year 9 Coach) and Mr Easterbrook (Year 9 Manager) for their encouragement of our students and for the standards they reinforced in their teams especially in defeat.
Our Basketball success continues with the Opens team successfully defending their NSW CCC title. Their dominance was evident throughout the tournament but was highlighted by the 35 point victory in the final against St Francis’s, Hamilton. Congratulations to Mr Hine (Coach) and Mr Kilbourne (Manager) for their continued support of the team and basketball at the College.
A reminder that Tuesday, 23 July will be the first day for students to commence Term 3. Once again the term will be new opportunities for all students. I encourage all students to seek the Lord’s light and allow their own light to shine any domain at the College.
Dominus Mea Let Your Light Shine
Mr M. Ronchetti – College Principal